Tuesday, 2 February 2010

All in a days work.....or not!

On the 26th March I will join the ranks of the unemployed, for the first time for 17 years. The last time, there was no recession, unemployment was under 1.5 million. However it was more scarier for me then than it is now.


I think its because this time I have experience. You see last time was new ground for me, it had never happened before, I didn't know what to expect, I didn't know what it was going to throw at me.
This time, I have form. I know I'll survive, I know I'll be resourceful, I know I'll be ok.

I don't know what will happen work wise. I know I have a million ideas going round in my head, and I only need one to come good.
Maybe this is an opportunity to do some of the things that I have mused over for years. Maybe some of the wacky ideas my friend Ian and I had over many coffees will come to fruition; albeit I think I'll give the 'running for PM a miss this time'.

Experience is a wonderful commodity to have. There is no substitute for it. The funny thing is, we don't really recognise the learning's and the teachings at the time, its only after the event, when looking back, we see what lessons we have learnt.
I'm not saying I wont have some down days, when the bills hit the floor and there's nothing to pay them (if I haven't found a job quickly), but I know now and I hope I'll remember on those tough days, too 'put it down to experience'